Monday, December 27, 2010


Once upon a time there lived a young girl who believed in fairytales.  She believed in magic, and dreams, and most of all true love.  In her heart of hearts, she knew that one day her prince would come, just like the stories told her he would.  So she kept her heart open, and watied patiently for Prince Charming to walk into her life. 

As time went by, the young girl grew, and interacted with the wicked world.  And while most people would have been discouraged by the heartache, and sorrow she encountered, our heroine maintained her faith in dreams, and managed to keep her heart intact.  She remained true to herself, and her beliefs; even though others mocked and ridiculed her. 

As the years passed she began to wonder where Prince Charming was, and why he hadn't found her yet.  She had met other Princes, some good, some bad, but she hadn't met HIM.  She still believed he would find her, but she was beginning to become impatiet.  She wondered if maybe she should start kissing frogs, to see if one would magically turn into her prince.  She wondered if she should attend as many balls as possible, and leave shoes behind, to see if he would find her.  She wondered if she needed to be poisoned by an apple, or a spinning wheel so he would come and wake her with true love's kiss.

Just as our heroine was about to become discouraged, and give up hope she had an epiphany!  She already knew her Prince.  He had been in her life all along.  He thought the world of her.  He loved her unconditionally.  He was always there for her.  He was her biggest supporter.  He was always with her, day or night, and He never gave up on her.  And most importantly, He loved her so much that He would die for her.  In fact, He already had. 

And her Prince promised her that one day He would bring her her Prince Charming. That there WAS someone out there searching for her.  And that when she found him, he would be everything her heart desired.  Her faith in dreams restored, she walked the wicked world again, safe in the knowledge that she was never alone, and that fairytales really do come true.