Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Adventures of Young Josephine

Josephine stared off into the distance, looking at nothing.  She was lost in her own world again.  You see, Josephine had a special talent.  She had the gift of dreams.  Josephine often had dreams that came true, and she also had the ability to interpret not only her own dreams, but the dreams of others. Just the night before, she had had a particularly interesting dream, involving her sisters and her father.  It was this dream that held her locked in a world that no other could gain access to.  She was trying to decipher what the dream could possibly mean, when suddenly she was snapped back to reality.

"Jo! Earth to Josephine! We're trying to have a family discussion here, and we'd appreciate it if you'd at least try to act interested." Ruby, Josephine's eldest sister snapped.

Jo shook her head, and crashed back into the real world.  She was currently seated in a conference room, at the headquarters of her family's business, Tribe of Twelve.  The name of the company had been inspired by her rather large family.  You see, Josephine had A LOT of sisters.  Twelve of them actually.  And as a result, her father, Jacob, called them his "tribe of little women"...hence the name of the company. 

Jacob had started out with nothing, but through his hard work and dedication, he had created a vast empire, and owned one of the largest clothing empires in the United States.  All of his girls worked for him, and each played a vital part.  From design to marketing to distribution, they did it all.  Most of the time, the girls got along and things went smoothly.  But on occasion sibling rivaly reared it's ugly head, and things could get messy.  Jacob had his hands full...not only with his company, but with all of his daughters who appeared to be as different as night and day. 

Jacob may have been successful in business, but his personal life was another matter.  Jacob had been married, and widowed four times. His first wife, Leah, had given him six of his daughters.  Ruby, the eldest, Simone, Lee, Judith, Isa, and Zora. Jacob's second wife, Rachel(who was also his favorite), gave him Josephine, and Benita, whom all the girls called Benni. His third wife, Billy, birthed Danielle(Dani), and Natalie.  Jacob's fourth wife, Zoe, was mother to Gabrielle(Gab), and Ashley.

Jacob loved his daughters dearly, and at times seemed blind to the rivalry that existed between his girls.  He was an older man, and didn't realize that some of his precious girls were already thinking of what would happen to the company if he were no longer around to run it.  All of his daughters had inherited his drive and ambition, but a few of them were a little more ambitious than the others, and coveted the role of leader.  Especially Ruby, who felt that as the eldest daughter, she was called to lead her sisters and Tribe of Twelve in her father's stead.  It was she, in fact, who was currently leading the meeting they were all assembled at.

Josephine blushed, as she glanced around the table to find all eyes on her and immediately set out to make things right.

"I'm sorry, Ruby." Josephine said humbly. "I'm afraid my mind was elsewhere.  What was it you were saying?"

"Your mind is always 'elsewhere', you little twit." Snapped Judith. "Lost in your dream world, as usual!"

All the sisters, snickered at this open mockery of their least favorite sister. They couldn't help it; for you see, they were all more than a little jealous of Josephine.  Not only was she very beautiful in face and form, she was also their father's favorite daughter.  And while Jacob loved all of the girls of his little tribe, he couldn't help loving Josephine the most.  She reminded him so much of his precious wife Rachel, who he still treasured to this day.  In fact, to show his favor to Josephine, he had recently bought her a necklace, that glittered with precious gems in every color of the rainbow. Josephine was delighted with the gift from her father, and wore it proudly.  Much to the chagrin of her sisters.

"Now girls," Jacob chided. "Do not speak so to your sister.  We all know she lives in a land of dreams, and while you may not understand it, it is not your place to demean her for it.  Let her be."

All the girls stewed in silence.  Again, their father showed his preference for Josephine by openly taking her side in the matter.  Bitterness ate at their hearts, and more than one of the angelic faces surrounding the table were plotting all sorts of dark thoughts upon their sister.  The dreamer must pay!

Ruby, cleared her throat, and tried to regain control of the meeting.  "As I was saying, and I would appreciate it if you would pay attention Jo, this time, so I don't have to repeat myself, was that there has been interest to expand Tribe of Twelve into China.  Evidently, for some reason, they can't seem to get enough of our t-shirts. Internet orders to China have doubled over the last two months alone, so clearly there is cause to think setting up a chain of stores in that country might be beneficial to us."

"I agree with Ruby," Simone piped in.  "Think of the fortune to be had if we could take Tribe of Twelve global!"

"Fortune isn't everything..." Josephine whispered distractedly, and it appeared she was lost in her world of dreams again.

"Yes, well, that decides it then." Natalie said sarcastically. "If Jo whispers something cryptic, then it's a clear sign that, even though all of us agree this is a good idea, we should all change our minds.  Seriously, sister, what is wrong with you?"

"This doesn't feel right.  We should concentrate on our empire here, and not stretch ourselves to thin.  What if something were to happen?" Josephine replied, clearly upset by something.

"What could possibly happen, Jo?" Ruby said in exasperation.  "Things have never been better for Tribe of Twelve than they are now! Our profits are through the roof, and don't seem to show any signs of slowing.  Global expansion is clearly the next step, and China is the perfect market. In fact, I think we should act as quickly as possible, and so I'm suggesting we vote on the matter now."

"Please, Ruby, don't act to rashly!" Jo beseeched her sister.  "We should postpone the vote for a few days so we can all pray about this, and see where God leads us."

"Josephine! I do pray," Ruby exclaimed in outrage. "And it's clear that God has blessed our family, and Tribe of Twelve or we wouldn't be doing so well.  And the mere fact that the orders in China keep growing should be proof enough that God wants us to move into their market."

"Now girls, please, let's not argue. Clearly something is troubling you, Josephine.  What is it little one?" Jacob said tenderly, as he took his favorite daughters hand.

Josephine looked around the table at the eleven faces of her sisters, and saw that they were all clearly frustrated with her.  Finally her gaze rested on her father, and as she looked into his eyes, tears filled her own.

"Father, I've had a dream."


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