Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Own Little World(Andy's Story)

Andy was bored.  Her teacher was going on and on...something about some 
monarchy in some country at some point in time.  Really, why did it 
matter? That was so long ago, and it had no bearing on anything that 
was happening now.  So who really cared? She certainly didn't.  Now if 
they could liven things up a bit by adding a few wizards, some dragons, 
and some magic spells, well, that would be cool. Especially if there 
were some witches! She loved witches.  Not the warty, cackling evil 
kind, but the good kind of witch.  The ones that practiced white magic, 
and saved innocents. Like the sisters on Charmed. Now those were her 
kind of witches! Too bad she didn't have any sisters.  Nope, she was an 
only child. She lived alone with her junkie mom, and basically did the 
parenting.  She didn't have much of a childhood, and used books and TV 
shows about magic as her means of escape. 

She sighed, and looked up at the clock, willing it to rush 
forward thirty-five minutes, so she could escape this bore of a class, 
and go home and escape to her own little world.  She twirled her dark 
hair around a finger, as her green eyes glazed over as she slipped into 
her favorite day dream....

She was standing on the top of a hill, overlooking a small town that 
lay in ruins.  The dark witches had struck again.  She was too late to 
help, and even if she had arrived on time, what difference would it 
have made? She was too young, and had only just come into her powers.  
And the only person that could have trained her was her worthless 
mother, who had given up the craft so long ago, in favor of the herbs 
that kept her completely out of her senses most of the time.  So much 
for being a white witch and helping others.  All she did was mix her 
herbs, and entertain men from the village.  What good was she doing for 
anyone? Why did she even have those powers if she wasn't going to use 
them? Andrea was determined not to become like her mother at all.  
Hence the recent foray into the neighboring town to see what damage the 
dark witches had done. 

If only she knew how to use all of her powers! If only she had arrived 
sooner! If only there was someone to teach her! It just didn't seem 
fair.  She stomped her foot in frustration, and turned away from the 
sight below her.  She closed her eyes, and took a few steadying 
breaths.  The wind whipped at her hair, and plastered her dress to her 
slender body.  She lifter her hands over her head, and twirled, 
enjoying the feeling of the wind against her flesh.  A hesitant smile 
curved her lips, and she raised her face towards the sunlight shining 
down from above.  Her mood was lifting, and she was starting to feel 
better, when suddenly she heard a voice shout:

"Andrea! Get over here now!"

Her green eyes flashed open, and her brief good mood instantly 
vanished.  It was him.  Her mothers latest flame, and fellow herb 
addict, Thomas.  She despised the man.  Sure he was good looking, if 
you dug that whole broad shoulders, big muscles kind of thing.  But 
apart from the looks, he didn't have much going for him.  He was a 
jerk...he totally used Andrea's mother, for her herbs and her body, and 
the way he'd been eyeing Andrea lately had given her the creeps.  She 
shivered, and wrapped her cloak tightly around her body.  Then slowly 
started down the hill towards the bane of her existence, who sat smugly 
astride a large black steed.

"What are you doing out here, girl? Looking for trouble? The Dark 
Witches were just through here.  Look what the did to that town! What 
do you think would happen if they came back to admire their handy work, 
and they spied you? A sweet young little White Witch.  Out here all 
alone,with no protection.  Just ripe for the plucking." Thomas said 
with a leering smile. "Besides, your mother and I need you at home, so 
get your little behind over here now!"

"Wow, Thomas.  Your concern for my well-being is overwhelming.  I'm 
touched." Andrea said dryly.  "What ever would I do without you? Oh, I 
know live happily ever after?"

"I'll not be taking any of your sass young lady! If you know what's 
good for you, you'll watch that mouth of yours before I'm forced to 
show you what happens to bad girls.  Now, get your butt up on your 
horse, and let's get out of here! Your mother's been kept waiting long 

Andrea sighed, but walked over to her chestnut mare.  She patted her 
horses flank, then climbed into the saddle.  She took a hold of the 
reins, and headed over to where Thomas waited.

"What, no snappy reply? I'm impressed." Thomas crowed smugly.  "You'll 
learn the proper respect for a man before I'm through, mark my words 
little missy."

Thomas turned his steed around, and started the journey back to their 
village.  Andrea urged her mare to follow, and kept her dark thoughts 
to herself.  So wrapped up in her thoughts was she, that she jumped 
when she heard Thomas exclaim:


Andy jumped, and sent her text book crashing to the floor.  Her 
classmates broke out into laughter, and she looked up into the eyes of 
her very irate History teacher. She smiled sheepishly, and then 
breathed a sigh of relief when the dismissal bell rang.  Her teacher 
shook her head, but didn't say anything further.  Andy hastily gathered 
her things, and then ran out of the classroom.

To Be Continued.....

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